0+ Medicine (MBBS/ MD) Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for international students in Korea, South

Full list of Medicine (MBBS/ MD) Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for International students in Korea, South- eligibility criteria, deadlines, application form, selection process & more!


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  1. Ann Mwangi

    Hello when will medicine scholarships in Korea be available
    06 Jun, 2024 at 11:36 PM REPLY
    1. Harish Dammannagari

      Hi Ann Mwangi,

      At the moment, the scholarships you're interested in are not available. However, it's advisable to keep a close watch on the website as new scholarships may be added in the future, although the specific date is uncertain.

      07 Jun, 2024 at 12:00 PM REPLY

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