You are here as you may be planning to study in Europe, so let me surprise you straightaway by saying that one can graduate from Germany for free! Not only in Germany but also in most of the countries in the European Union (EU)which have universities boasting quality education, while providing admissions without a pinch of GRE, IELTS/TOEFL, or even Tuition FEES in the application pie.

Here we present to you with a fiver to consider if you are planning to study in Europe for free.

1. Free education 

Higher education tuition fees for public universities in most European countries cost anywhere from 0 to 500 Euros a semester, even for an international student from a non-European country. And if free tuition isn’t just enough, traveling around the continent is super easy and cheap. Despite being free or low tuition costs, Europe boosts some of the best universities in the world, like the University of Munich, The University of Vienna, and Paris-Sorbonne University to name a few.

  • German universities come under the jurisdiction of the Government and that’s why they charge very nominal or no tuition fee from students, thus making the ultimate choice for international students with budgetary issues. University of Cologne, Technische Universität München, and the University of Augsburg have varying options in the English language itself.
    Apply to Scholarship opportunities with German Universities
  • The Norwegian government finances education with taxpayers' money so universities and state university colleges do not charge tuition fees for both native and foreign students. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norwegian University of Science & Technology, University of Adger, etc. are some of the options to consider. 
    Apply to Scholarship opportunities with Norwegian Universities
  • Finnish universities have no tuition fees except Student Union Fees which are 80-90 euros/yr. Education is subsidized by the State through the Ministry of Education. This also applies to international students and to exchange and visiting students as well. Look among Aalto University, Abo Akademi University, Hanken School of Economics, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Tampere University of Technology, University of Eastern Finland, etc. for offers.
    Apply for Scholarship opportunities with Finnish Universities


Getting admission to the top universities or colleges in Europe without an IELTS score requires you to fulfill some criteria that would easily exempt you from the need for one such test. A student showing some proficiency in the English language can prove his eligibility by providing:

  • One has been educated in English medium during the five most recent years of study and has offered English as a first language at the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary  Education) or O level (Ordinary Level).
  • Been able to prove that prior education was entirely conducted in English and that they have good communication skills. This is done by having a conversation with the student via Skype or over the telephone. This is for prospective students from non-English speaking countries such as South Africa and India to study in Britain.
  • Applying to study in the same institution where the first degree was awarded.
  • Having a degree that has been taught solely in English.

See More: Top 25 affordable business schools around the world

3. No GRE

Unlike the US Universities, where the GRE plays a vital role in the admission criteria. European Universities mainly focus on Undergraduate scores and then GRE scores. Most of the Universities in Europe do not require GRE scores to be submitted with the application. GRE scores are optional for almost all universities, except a few where it is mandatory.

Honestly, an additional GRE score will always be handy with your profile and increase your acceptance rate slightly.

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4. Language

“Language is no barrier,” said someone but when it comes to studying in Europe the rich diversity of spoken languages in each country would nail you down with a requirement of the local language. Since most of the universities are not in English-speaking countries, the only downfall would be being able to speak in the language of the country but I wouldn’t disappoint you further for many universities have come ahead of the dilemma and offer courses in the English language. There’s also a lot of focus on Masters Programs taught completely in English. Plus the bonus of studying in a non-English speaking country means that you can quickly pick up a new language during your time there, and make your resume look even more international.

See More: Ten factors to consider while choosing your study abroad destination

5. Work permit

Everyone has a dream to work abroad and spend some quality time on their expenses independently. You have just been granted your wish to study abroad in Europe comes with incentives for a work permit ranging from months to years while you complete your studies in European universities. The graduates can always come seeking a job in the country owing to their degree in the same.

Europe is rich in innovation. Some of the world-class companies in Technology/design are from Europe. European Universities offer a variety of programs recognized all over the world. The European Union submits over 44% of the total number of patent applications worldwide.

Apart from exposure to an international culture of students, Europe embraces its education with pinnacle opportunities in career, experienced faculty members, and leaders in the field of technology providing in-depth information of their respective areas to the students. The world-class facilities of laboratories and high-end equipment used in research help a candidate gain an edge over his interests.

So why wait, Start applying and be a part of the World of Scholars!

You are most welcome to share your experiences if you ever had an opportunity to study in Europe!  Use the comments section below

Article contributors:

  Article contributor Navaneethan Palanisamy on grey background. Navaneethan Palanisamy

Navi has done his MSc in Molecular Biology from IMPRS of Goerg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany with a Max Planck Stipend. Before this, he completed MedSc in Infection Biology from Uppsala University, Sweden.  Uppsala, Sweden. He was also selected for the Life Sciences Munich summer school offered by Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the ZIBI summer school offered by Humboldt University Berlin with a fellowship in 2011 and 2012 respectively. Both these summer schools were funded by DAAD. In Jan 2015, he will be joining McGill University, Montreal, Canada for a fully funded PhD.

Article contributor Chandra Shekhar Misra near a ocean

Chandra Shekhar Misra

Chandra Shekhar is pursuing his MSc from Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal with a fully funded Erasmus Mundus  HERITAGE Scholarship. Before this, he was also selected for the DAAD-WISE internship at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany.