A lot of excitement is there around going abroad for your next educational journey. You’ve taken all the tests, and secured admission into your dream course and university, got your education loan sanctioned, and are ready for everything. The next step is the Visa interview. This is the step many students are nervous about. The uncertainty of it is the major contributor to this fear.

A Visa interview for going abroad to study is the deciding factor whether you’ll be flying out of your country to study even after all the other requirements are met.

If you fail in this, there is no way you are going abroad until you can try again. Hence, you should take the interview seriously and prepare yourself well. It is going to be fairly easy when you answer the questions strategically and have knowledge of what’s going to be expected of you in the interview.

This article is written to help you know some most frequently asked questions in Visa interviews and how to answer them to pass the interview with flying colors.

Why is a Visa interview conducted?

A Visa interview is conducted to understand you, not test your knowledge. The interviewer wants to know your intentions behind your visit to their nation. It is undertaken to make sure that you are going for education and know more about you as a person apart from academics. 

 What should you do before attending a Visa interview?
  • Make sure you mentally prepare yourself. Practice relaxation techniques to feel calm.
  • Know what frequently asked questions are and try answering them beforehand.
  • Keep the required documents ready that will be checked by the consulate officer.
  • Check the time slot assigned to you and be there on time.
  • Talk to your friends if they’re studying abroad for help on the interview questions.

Questions that are commonly asked in the interview with answers

Commonly asked questions in Visa interviews can be classified into these categories. They are:

  • Study-related
  • Finance-related
  • Post education plans
  • Family-related
  • Other miscellaneous questions related to yourself, your goals, and other things.

First, let us look at some most frequently asked questions in Visa interviews and their answers. Then we will move on to lists of questions that are categorised accordingly.

Most frequently asked questions in Visa interview:

1. Why are you going to the United States?

This is the most common question the applicants are asked, and also among the first questions that the interviewer asks. It is also a very important question as this will lay a foundation for the upcoming questions. Be very clear and confident in answering it. A straightforward answer you can give to this question is that you are going to the US for studies.

It is important to answer this question without thinking for long as that may give an impression of you having any other intention apart from studying.

The next question that may follow is: Why can’t you study in your own country? Why do you specifically want to go there?

2. Why can’t you study in your own country? Why the US?

It is well known that education in the USA is highly sought after for its excellence, quality, and worthiness. It is also the dream of many students to study in the magnificent universities of the US. You can base your answer along the same lines. Express your interest in the education systems and universities of their country while showing a subtle positive attitude toward your own country. You can talk exclusively about the university you want to study and how the course provided there adds more value to your life. You can even give references to notable lectures given by a particular professor at that university. This will give the interviewer the impression that you know the university well and you are looking forward to getting a quality education from there.

Also Read: 5 Tips to Crack Your Student Visa Interview.

3. How are you going to manage funds for your education?

Give a clear explanation of your funds and present proof of funds if the interviewer requires it. Before going to the interview have a clear view of the funds you will need and how you will manage them. Read all the details of the education loan that you have taken to fund your studies abroad.  Being well aware of the answer to this question gives the interviewer a positive perception of you. Do not say that you will be working part-time jobs in the USA to manage your expenses. 

4. Where did you complete your previous education? Show me your academic records.

The answer to this question would simply be telling them where you have finished your recent education and what course it was. You may even add a little bit about your educational background. The interviewer along with this question may ask your academic records to know more about you as a student.  Being honest with your answers helps.

5. How many colleges did you apply to? Did you get rejected by any university?

The interviewer wants to understand your caliber as a student with this question. It is okay to admit that you have not been accepted by every university you applied to.

You can answer by saying," I have applied to all the universities that offer the course of my interest. However, I have been rejected by a few. But still, I chose the university I liked among the ones that have accepted me." Show hope and optimism in your answer instead of disappointment at being rejected.

6. Who sponsored your education? What is the occupation of your sponsor?

When going abroad to study, having someone to sponsor your education is crucial. The interviewer asks this question to make sure you have a sponsor to fund your education and other expenses. If you have taken an education loan, tell about it too. The interviewer wants to be sure that your sponsor will be able to fund your stay and education and their occupation is important for the same reason. Build a sense of security in the interviewer that you would be financially secure while you stay in their country.

Here are more questions: F1 Visa Interview Tips: Questions to Expect

7. How many members does your family consist of and what do they do?

This question is, if you have a sponsor from your family like your father or brother, then how are they going to manage expenses for themselves as well as for you? Tell them the information about your family; like the number of members, their occupations, and their relationship with you.

8. Do you have any loans in your name or your sponsor’s name?

Tell the interviewer if you have any loans in your name or your sponsor’s name. Also, explain how you will repay them as well as fund your education.

9. Do you have relatives or friends currently in the US?

If you have any family members or friends in the USA, let the interviewer know. Say you will be visiting them once you reach the USA and keep in touch with them regularly.

10. What are your plans post-graduation?

Tell them that you plan to complete your education and then come back to your home country. Do not say that you plan to stay in the USA. You can say that you would apply your knowledge and skills to the development of your own country.

These were some of the very important as well as very frequently asked questions in the interview for a student Visa. Below are some more questions categorized accordingly to help you in the interview. You can give answers to the following by just being honest and confident. The interviewer should never think that you are lying or trying to hide something.


Also Read: Student Visa Application Things to Do Before Applying

Questions concerning to College or your University:

  • What is the name of the University you are applying to? Why did you choose that particular University?
  • Can you name the professors you are in contact with at the university you are planning to go to?
  • What inspired you to apply to the University, that you have applied to?
  • What do you like the most about the university you are going to?
  • Are you planning to continue your education in the US after completing this particular course?
  • How were you as a student in your school or college? Did you participate in any extracurricular activities there?

Questions regarding your finances:

  • Who is paying for your education?
  • What is the monthly or annual income of your sponsor?
  • Have you taken any education loan for your studies? If yes, please show the particulars of the loan.
  • Show us your bank account statement.
  • How much does your University cost for a year?
  • Are your living expenses covered by the education loan?
  • Do have health insurance? 

A very lesser-known fact is that Visa interviewers ask for health insurance. The reason is to ensure the students' safety in case any unfortunate incidents happen; such as accidents or unexpected medical expenses. To ease the burden of unforeseen health emergencies, please take health insurance and hand in the document if you are asked to do so.

More topics related to Study Abroad Visa.

Questions related to your post-education plans:

  • What would you like to do after you finish your education here?
  • Do you have plans to work in the USA?
  • What kind of roles do you see yourself in by studying this specific course?
  • What changes you can bring in the society with your job roles?
  • If you had an opportunity to work here, would you? Why?

Questions about your relatives and family members:

  • Do you have any siblings? If yes, how many?
  • Does your sibling work or study?
  • Does any of your siblings work in the US?
  • Would you like to work in the US?
  • Did your parents complete any studies? Which one?
  • Are you currently in a relationship?
  • In which country or city do your parents live?
  • As we can see that you have siblings(if you have one), how will your parents manage their expenses as well as yours?
  • Do you or any of your family members have a criminal record?
  • Do you have any relatives or friends who are studying at the same university where you are planning to go?
  • Questions about your work or job (If you have work experience before going to the USA to study)
  • Would you like to work in the US?
  • If you work, why do you plan to leave your country to go abroad to study?
  • Please show us your resume or any other document which shows your work experience.
  • What is your salary at the moment?
  • Do you have savings?
  • Do you plan on working while studying?

Miscellaneous Questions:

  • I think you want to immigrate to the United States, or are you planning on going back home?
  • Tell us everything you know about education and the education system in the US.
  • What are your expectations after having completed your studies and returning to your country?
  • What are your plans after having completed your studies in the US?
  • How can you prove to us that you won’t stay in the US after the completion of your studies?
  • Is it your first time in the US or have you visited before?
  • What are your career goals back home after your studies? Or are you planning on going somewhere else?
  • Can you tell me why your GRE/TOEFL scores are so low?
  • What are your plans if your student visa is not approved?
  • Are you planning to go home during your summer vacation?
  • We can see you got a scholarship(if you have got), why do you think they gave it to you?
  • Tell me some positive things about the United States, why do you like the United States as a country? 
  • Can you explain to us why you changed your field or career(if you did)?
  • Why should we give you the possibility to study in the United States?
  • Do you think you deserve to get an F1 visa?

Tips to answer the above questions?

The questions mentioned above are some basic questions that you can answer without any help. What you need to keep in mind while answering questions is the intention behind your interview. Just align your thought process with this and you will be good to go. 

Let us walk through some very helpful tips to ace your Visa interview:

  • Have a calm mind while going to the interview, have a clear approach, and be confident.
  • Be aware of the funds that you will require including the fees and living expenses.
  • Remember to keep in mind that you are going to the USA just for education only.
  • The questions asked in the Visa are not that hard and can be answered by you easily. Have faith in yourself.
  • Do not give false answers to questions related to your academics so that you get a good impression from the interviewer. This will land you in trouble if they cross-check your certificates.
  • Never lie deliberately about anything as the interviewer is experienced and will know if you're lying. Try to keep an honest attitude and do not lie on purpose.
  • Most importantly, DO NOT TELL YOU'LL DO PART-TIME JOBS. Visa officers might reject your Visa if you say you will work part-time because if you work in the USA, you will take away the jobs that are supposed to be done by American citizens and that is not acceptable by the consulate. Always show proof of funds and do not mention part-time jobs.

We hope this article has given you an overview of questions that would potentially be asked in an interview for an F1 visa. Again, this list of questions is not ultimate and you might be asked different questions too. You will be able to answer any question with ease if you follow the tips given in the tables. You can do it!

For any help related to the Visa application, process, pre-visa problems, and preparation for the interview, WeMakeScholars is there to help you. Our expert team backed up with all knowledge about all these issues and with connections to various banks and Visa centers, will guide you through everything. Get in touch with us. Request a callback. And all the best!